Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Loco parentis

"In place of parent" is what it means in latin.
It kinda got stuck with me after i read the richie rich novel when i was a kid.
It sorta reminded me that most of the decisions in life we have to make ourselves.
Its the line that cadbury the butler dude uses when the other guy tries to take over the Rich's estate after he thought he got rid of them.
But i can't help thinking,
That when the time comes for us to be totally independent of our parents, and look the wind full in the face.. will that be a time of tears?
Perhaps then the flashbacks and questions would come, thick and fast as the rose petals falling.
Things you always wanted to say to them.
Things that you always wanted to do.
Things they did that helped you to where you were in life.
Someone told me once.
That all we usually remember of a person is usually all the bad stuff they did.
But maybe if we tried, we could see the good in people, the love they had, sometimes gruff.
Perhaps its true that sometimes the actions they do seem to have all the hate behind them.
But we can never say for sure what they had really intended. Surely you have heard of people putting on an act to try and get another to react in an intended way haven't you?
Besides you can never really put your parents behind you. A part of you, the way you talk behave think,the mannerisms all come from your parents.
You wouldn't be here reading this if it weren't for them.
Don't run so fast ahead that you forget all the people behind cheering you on yeah?

Anti-sheep behavior? Aka classified as mad people.

Ho hum.. This question came to mind the other day.. hehs.
Imagine, you have 5 people tell you you're mad.
Then as you walk on the street and you find people staring at you.
At first maybe you tell yourself, hey maybe its just me being paranoid.
But what if it happens everyday?
Hmmmmm, food for thought huh?
Being the all-new neighbourhood friendly weirdo.

But maybe you don't wanna..

So wot are ya gonna do matey?

First of all, if you're mad,
then you can't come up with a rational solution or cure can you?,
and if you can't come up with a cure,
well guess you gotta remain being mad.
Sucks to be you.

OK here's another..
If say 85% of the population of Singapore went mad a certain similar suddenly. And you are among the 15% who are the ones who are supposedly still sane. Who's crazy? you or them?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I am @Youth.SG

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So its 2 a.m. in the morning.
Other than homework, online games, what else can you do?
Web surfing... yadda yadda...
then i remembered, Oh right, i would wanted to participate in this event.. but then i kinda had a writers block then, so i didn't participate.. YET.
So here I am.
Typing to my hearts content.
Actually im still at a loss at what to type... cos normally i don't usually write day to day stuff here. i usually write only when inspiration strikes.
Hmmmm, If i go too definiton wise, well, i guess readers are gonna get bored...betcha most everyone is doing that.
hmmmm What to do....

Tell you what, I'll tell you all that i have experienced as a Youth so far.. k?Then ill finish up with my opinion.. Yeah! Here we go..

Hmm, See i wannabe an actor.. had always been my ambition.. Guess it came from watching James Lye acting, and well, watching of the movie Speed. Favourite Movie Constantine. Now I'm studying film.

I just love the way the actors and the crew have to cooperate to produce a uber- nice show. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Also love that adrenaline rush when u get on stage.(some people call it stage fright)
Still working at it..
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So far, i had by my count lost 3 bikes, crashed 5 straight to useless metal, and the previous one got banged up pretty badly after i got hit by a L motorcyclist.( My back wheel got bent 90 degrees and i still got a scar on my left shoulder).The one i hae now at the moment is surprising still good to go, though its kinda rusty now.(>< no time to ride... TOO MUCH HOMEWORK!!!).

I love a good story.. Once i start on one, i MUST finish as much as i can. This includes stuff like TV dramas, Animes, Manga, books yadda yadda. And oh yes, i'm crazy over Anime. I don't Cosplay though.

I'm used to be a sucker for Japanese or Korean girls. Guess i still am.Fall head over heels for gentle kind i guess. They say love is blind. Hell i should know, Already trashed 7 bikes. hehs.

I just love collecting anime and movie OSTS, and listening to them. I currently am loving trance-elctronica-experimental indie, J-pop, and Jazz, Rock, Pop.Learning to appreciate Jay Chou, although i tried proving for 17 years of my life that Chinese is stupid.Hell I listen to Hilary Duff.BoA.Yui.Portishead. Imogen Heap. yadda yadda. check my itunes library.

I always wanted to learn how to dance to J-pop. let me try yo work up the courage to go for classes first.
I love chocolate, Cadbury Black Forest Rocks!!! I love on Coke.

I'm a bad catholic. And God help me, I'm playing Jesus in a Stations of the cross (Passion)Play..o_0 shocking huh..
I love discussing useless theological, philosophical with my friends.
I love headshots in Battlefield vietnam. I love the bazooka in quake 4.

I know I sound crazy.
Just look at the title of the blog your reading..
Wanna know what makes Singapore interesting?
We come up with the crazy ideas, get hit in the face by failure, and go back for seconds.
We're the guys who can look at a brand new handphone, and learn how to use it in two hours, without touching the manual.
We're the guys who will decide.... eventually.( Even if its not now... But its nice to keep in mind ><)
We're the guys who blast our ears, and keep music alive.
What can i say?
Normal is boring.
Deal with it.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Being Different Always Hurts
See, people stare at you.
Well, it kinda depends of whether horror or fascination at your cool factors,
But then again, it may just be straight disgust,
that such a alienated person could even co-exists on the same plane , not to mention same area they live in.
Sometimes it gets so bad that you hear a symphony of whispers, stifled laughters, and the like.
It is then you know that you are on your way to becoming an
Surviving the harsh climate of studies, loneliness, and awkward moments of silence of non-communciation.
Its hard, and slowly, this very modern desert will either bury , and make you one in its entirety, or simply, slowly and surely, turn you into a vengeful maniacal demon.
Or worse.
You could just be one of the sand scragged revenant, that are deemed useless, save to slave away on endless piles of reports that no one even bothers to read or touch.
Don't be different in anyway, except maybe in fashion.
But then again you have the fashion police too..
Ahh, stay home and play hermit.