Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Loco parentis

"In place of parent" is what it means in latin.
It kinda got stuck with me after i read the richie rich novel when i was a kid.
It sorta reminded me that most of the decisions in life we have to make ourselves.
Its the line that cadbury the butler dude uses when the other guy tries to take over the Rich's estate after he thought he got rid of them.
But i can't help thinking,
That when the time comes for us to be totally independent of our parents, and look the wind full in the face.. will that be a time of tears?
Perhaps then the flashbacks and questions would come, thick and fast as the rose petals falling.
Things you always wanted to say to them.
Things that you always wanted to do.
Things they did that helped you to where you were in life.
Someone told me once.
That all we usually remember of a person is usually all the bad stuff they did.
But maybe if we tried, we could see the good in people, the love they had, sometimes gruff.
Perhaps its true that sometimes the actions they do seem to have all the hate behind them.
But we can never say for sure what they had really intended. Surely you have heard of people putting on an act to try and get another to react in an intended way haven't you?
Besides you can never really put your parents behind you. A part of you, the way you talk behave think,the mannerisms all come from your parents.
You wouldn't be here reading this if it weren't for them.
Don't run so fast ahead that you forget all the people behind cheering you on yeah?

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