Friday, June 22, 2007


A poem i wrote on the bus a while back, when i was seriously pissed with someone.

don't tell me your Different, cos i know you're Indifferent.

Don't tell me you're Different
You haven't changed at all,cos
I know you're Indifferent,
Just that you've learnt to mask your
Reactions oh so well.So just
Go away.Turn away.Do what
you want. You're annoying. I'm Indifferent.

Friday, June 8, 2007

This cat scares me!

Satan Cat

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Clever sayings. I'm copyrighting mine. planting the darn flag right here.

Hmmm the last time i came up with something that i thought was original. ( at least i nevr heard the exact same thing come up before in my entire life. I swear to you.)
Was The script of crimson riding hood.

But it sucks.( gruesome little thing. But i wasn't refering to that!)

i mean like have you ever come up with something which just came to you in an inspiration. Then to show it to people who then show you something they watched.. or heard about. And you never ever heard of it at all?

Like i dunno.. for me ... i came up with a saying last time.
which went along the lines of " hope for the best. Expect the worst."

Well i was using it very happily. And after all it did make sense to say it to people who just was about to get into something really really big, or just lost something big and dear to them. ( the alternative to the " bad-end " one is "Shit happens" )

Then i went googling for the kick of it.

(Its fun you should try it. See if your name appears. type weird random stuff on your keyboard.. yadda yadda. Only for the bored individual.)

And the horror of it was that some bugger already said it!
A big bad bugger by the name of Mel Brooks.
At first i was like.. who the .... was Mel Brooks?!
Bugger bugger...

Then i did my homework.

You oughta know that Imdb isn't my number one Wiki.

So yeah.. i know like nuts about stars and their affairs, and the who dates who divorced.

Oh but i do know Paris just got outta jail.

I have the same philosophy with soccer and stars, celebs whatever.

Its so much more fun being it, then talking about it.


Mel brooks did have quite alot of interesting things that he said. Sayings that is. and i do agree with some.

Anyway. so what i lost one original idea. Big deal Mel!
im stating right here and now that "God Knows, God doesn't tell. "

Yeah i'm bored.

Tired. drained. Dunno what to say.

Tired so tired so tired!
I;ve been sleeping earlier too.. like at 8-9 pm? madness.
Even the bench is starting to feel like my bed.
What happened to the days of 3 AM s?
Are they going away now? :(
Deaf even to the sounds of Msn and phone rings.
It scares me.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Create your own Friend Test here

Sorry Phy.. Im a sucker for such shit.. Sooo funnnn!
Funn funn fuun!

Off to watch TV now! Ciaos!